When pain is unremitting, dramatic changes follow: spinal cord neurons become hypersensitive and start firing in response to weak stimuli. 当疼痛持续不消时,会造成显著的变化:脊髓神经元变得极度敏感,对微弱的刺激也产生放电反应。
Continuous remodeling of the nervous system that can occur in response to repeated pain stimuli. 由于重复性疼痛的刺激会造成神经系统的持续性重塑。
Postoperative pain is an adverse stimuli experienced in children and will influence their emotional and cognitive development. 儿童术后疼痛经历将直接影响患儿今后情感、认知能力的发育和成长。
Both types of chronic pain make mice recoil from mild stimuli that wouldn't bother comfortable animals. 患有两类慢性疼痛的老鼠受到轻微的刺激之后都会退缩,而健康动物对于这样的刺激是不在乎的。
The Expressions of VEGF in the Spinal Cords of Rats with Neuropathic Pain and the Facilitating Effects on Noxious Stimuli VEGF在神经病理性疼痛大鼠脊髓的表达及其对伤害性刺激反应的易化作用
The referred areas were observed and determined in the rat urinary bladder pain by formalin stimuli 福尔马林致大鼠膀胱痛牵涉区的观测
Objective: To investigate the referred area of gallbladder pain according to the plasma extravasation caused by the noxious stimuli to gallbladder. 目的:根据由胆囊机械扩张刺激和化学性刺激引起血浆外渗出现的部位,确定胆囊痛的牵涉区。
The preliminary research to the changes of the heart rate and respiratory frequency between the introverts and the extroverts under different intensities of pain stimuli 痛觉刺激对内外倾者心率及呼吸频率的影响
CAP, the main ingredient in hot chili peppers, elicits a sensation of burning pain by selectively activating sensory neurons that convey information about noxious stimuli to the central nervous system ( CNS). 辣椒素(capsaicin,CAP)是红辣椒中的主要成分,它可以选择性的激活感觉神经元,向中枢神经系统传导伤害性刺激从而产生灼痛。